The minute two people marry, they are legally joined together. Experientially, though, they do not immediately "become one" when they say, "I do"; they simply begin the process of becoming one. As the process works itself out, each partner should hold marriage in honor and esteem the relationship as worthy and precious. They should treat each other as being very valuable.
There is a three-step progression that demonstrates how to become one: (1) Leave. Sometimes a wife clings excessively to her mother and her mother's opinions about she ought to do, or a husband runs to his father for advice, when the couple should be trusting and leaning on each other. If two people are married but have not left home (both physically and mentally), they need to do so. (2) Cleave. In practical terms, the word cleave means to stick to each other like glue. (3) Become one. Becoming one means the complete union of body, soul, and spirit - and again, this takes time.
The most difficult part of the "becoming one" process is usually the uniting of two souls - the joining of two minds, wills, and sets of emotions. Most of marital problems in the area of the soul result from strife over lack of communication, sexual misunderstanding, money, goals, and the disciplining of children. If each marriage partner is willing to be brought into agreement with the other, they no longer try to force each other to be someone they are not, but realize they need each other to be exactly who God created them to be. They no longer pick on each other's weaknesses. Instead, they partake of their strengths, they enjoy one another, and they enjoy the process of becoming one.
The Differences between Men and Women - and
Weakness Has Nothing to Do with It
God made men and women to be different in many different ways, but muscle mass is just one of those differences. Though men are usually physically stronger than women, this fact certainly does not make women "the weaker sex". It should not apply to our intelligence or our emotions and we should not allow it to! The differences aren't better or worse, they're just different; once we accept those differences, we can understand and appreciate what each of our genders offers.
Let's start with physical differences. Women's hearts beat faster. Men's brains are larger but women's brains contain more neurons. HAHAHA! Love this:-) Depending in whether you're studying the brain of man or a woman, different areas of the brain will light up in response to identical tasks. Even the rate at which we visibly age is seen differently in men and women.
In his best-selling book, Love and Respect, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs points out that the obvious differences found in men and women can be seen in something simple as looking into a closet. Eggerichs writes about a couple getting dressed in the day:
She says, "I have nothing to wear." (She means, she has nothing new.)
He says, "I have nothing to wear." (He means, he has nothing clean.)
HAHAHAHAHA! This one made me laugh!
Cool difference and interesting one!:-)
P.S.: Have to gather the other stuff and to make the conclusions:-), so making it shorter...
Hope you've liked the post on the never ending topic!:-)
Selenity ✿ܓ
Becoming one means the complete union of body, soul, and spirit - and again, THIS TAKES TIME.
ReplyDeletei like this my dear keep going on (Y)
Thank you very much, my dear Super Beso!:-) SO pleasant to see your comment here! Shukran gedan!!
ReplyDeleteAhhh, asta da subiect! :)) Ii greu sa vorbesti despre femei si barbati - atatea diferente exista intre noi! :p
ReplyDeleteCasatoria nu ii un pas deloc usor si trebuie sa stii exact la ce te inhami, inainte sa faci pasul asta! Iti trebuie o anumita maturitate! Ma rog, in ziua de azi, totul e posibil si tot prostul cand are chef de casatorie hop la sfat si gata! Si ei habar nu au ce ii asteapta...
Normal ca femeile nu fac parte din sexul slab! Nu in muschi sta puterea unei persoane, chiar daca sunt multi barbati care subestimeaza femeile... Nu are rost sa incep sa vorbesc despre speciile alea!
Cert ii ca am fost fiecare creati intr-un anume fel, ca sa ne completam reciproc! ;)
"înhami"!? HAHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteCe dur spus, dar bine spus:-)
Da, da "înhami"! :D Pai asta ii adevarul! ;p