Thursday, October 14, 2010

Project PINK!! Like it!!:-)

Source: LINK

"It starts with one step...
...first step is the hardest of all."
- Mokhtar Chahine

As October is breast cancer awareness month, Mokhtar Chahine, Hala Dakhil and Inas Hammoud did all their best in initiating the "Project PINK". It's aimed to have a social impact and a supporting nature to all those "women and men who have been there, whether to fight it, cure it, or just support it", also to help raise awareness in combating with "this leading cause of cancer death". And, in my opinion, it's an excellent start!!:-)

Here are some of the photos from this project:

Source: LINK

Source: LINK

Source: LINK

P.S.: It's a great way to say that you care!!



  1. Thank you so much :)

    Thats really kind of you, truly appreciate it.

  2. You're welcome, Mokhtar!:-) It's pleasant to hear this! Lovely project!
