There are moments in life when we were hurt, when people said stupid words to us, looked at us in some silly ways... It happens!! Everywhere!! But keeping all these in your heart and more (!!) building a statue for them, and watching and over watching them till you feel that you want to die again, will bring you nowhere. Each moment that was passed at least thinking about these is a killed moment from your precious future, a future that obvious can be designed differently: in much brighter colors, better people around, dreams that make you feel better only thinking about them (but can you imagine your feeling if living them?!).
Time is not only money; it's your heart there too, a treas·ur·a·ble heart. Don't kill it now by pushing it to live in memories that suffocate it. If your past hurts you so much, just let it go... "None of us can be in the present and in the past at the same time, not even when we try to understand the things that happen to us. Close the door, change the record, clean the house. Stop being who you were, become who you are now." (Paulo Coelho)
In a river you will always find the water flowing... Let it go! It will not disappear from your memory, but the power of those hurting actions or words that someone did or said to you will go away... The less you will think about it, the more time you will have for your waiting future! Design it!
P.S.: I hope you like this post! It's exactly what I'm passing through now!:-) Have a cool Saturday!
Ai dreptate! Nu ajungem nici unde daca ne cramponam in toate lucrurile si le tinem in noi pana nu mai putem, din cauza ca vezi Doamne nu stim lasa de la noi si ca suntem prea incapatanati sa trecem peste anumite lucruri!
ReplyDeleteStii ce ii trist? Ca cei mai multi exact asta si fac! La cel mai mic lucru spus sau facut, gata! Se comporta ca si cand ii sfarsitul lumii! Ar putea sa mai invete sa fie mai maleabili, sa mai lase de la ei si sa mearga mai departe! O viata avem! De ce sa ne-o irosim pe nimicuri?????
just amazing
ReplyDeleteSe pare că și tu treci prin asta! Nu știu despre ceilalți, dar e mai bine să eliberezi zona și s-o umpli cu lucruri, amintiri sau persoane ce te fac să te simți bine!
Thank you, dear Anonymous!:-)
ReplyDeleteDa, trec si eu... Ai dreptate! Nu are rost sa stai sa te gandesti toata ziua la acelasi lucru si sa iti faci singur rau!
like it (Y) i can feel everyword of it
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, my dear!:-)
ReplyDeleteI wish I could follow all the words you write amazingly here..
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!:-) You can start! the first step is somehow the hardest one, because you need the most courage and determination...